EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

Krtsanisi Residential Area, 49 Krtsanisi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: +995 32 2 721800; +995 32 2 719300
20/09/2024 13:09:19
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EUMM marks Europe Day

On 9 May Field Office Zugdidi of EUMM, together with the local municipality and civil society marked EU Day in Zugdidi. To bring audience in, a volleyball tournament was organised with the participation of schools, universities and NGOs. Schoolchildren gave a professional concert, a DJ performed and the EUMM information stand proved to be really successful, the visitors filled and returned about 300 quizzes.

EU Day activities organised by Field Offices continue throughout the month, with the motto ‘EUMM- Monitoring for Stability and Peace since 2008’.

11-12 May: Volleyball Tournament in Chale and Muzhava (Field Office Zugdidi)
11 May EU Day in Gori Cultural Centre
 “What does peace and stability represent for you?” – competition for secondary schools in Didi Khurvaleti, Plavi and Kelktseuli (Field Office Gori)
14 May- Petriani public school: competitions, information about EUMM and EU (Field Office Mtskheta)
16 May - Mtskheta schools: competitions, information about EUMM and EU (Field Office Mtskheta)
17 May - Prezeti school: competitions, information about EUMM and EU (Field Office Mtskheta)