EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

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20/09/2024 11:09:30
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International Women’s Day marked across the Mission


In keeping with fundamental EU values on the equality of women and men, the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) is proud to celebrate International Women’s Day 2018. With its origins rooted in the women’s movements of the early 1900s, International Women’s Day celebrates the achievements of women and calls on the global community for gender parity and equal rights. 

This year, EUMM joins the global community to ‘PressforProgress’ – this year’s International Women’s Day theme. This particular day brings together global organizations, women’s organizations, businesses and associated celebrations of women in society to push for gender equality. 

The Mission headquarters in Tbilisi and its three field offices located in Gori, Mtskheta and Zugdidi organised a range of activities to raise awareness about gender equality and equal rights – both among EUMM members and the local population in Georgia. 

The EUMM Field Office in Mtskheta organised a photo exhibition by a prominent female Georgian artist, reflecting the daily life of women and children in Tserovani – the largest settlement for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) in Georgia. “I was five when the war started, I didn’t even really know the meaning of the word “war”, but I remember not being allowed to look out of the window or play outside.” – Dina Oganova explained the idea that inspired her exhibition. Next to the photo stand, a jewellery fair was organised, displaying jewels produced by the Enamel Jewellery Social Enterprise based in the Tserovani. Using traditional Georgian techniques, the enterprise empowers women by providing them with professional training. 

Field Office Gori hosted a visit of the Chair of the Association of Female Police Officers from the Mtskheta-Mtianeti region, Ms. Mariam Doghonadze. Ms. Doghonadze delivered a presentation on gender equality and challenges encountered by female staff in the Georgian Police. The same field office organised a visit to the Khurvaleti Elderly Care Centre, where six women receive care and support, as well as a presentation on International Women’s day for pupils and teachers of the Ptsa Secondary School. 

Field Office Zugdidi attended a charity concert organised to collect donations for a shelter for victims of domestic violence. A meeting was organised with IDP women from mixed Georgian-Abkhaz families who gathered to celebrate the International Women’s Day together. 

Throughout March, the field office will continue to deliver school presentations on gender awareness and women’s rights.

“EUMM celebrates not only today, but is working throughout the year on the topic of gender equality. Here at the EUMM, we are proud to support gender equality and strive to ensure that women’s rights are respected and promoted.” – EUMM Head of Mission, Erik Høeg

Field Office Mtskheta organized a photo exhibition of a prominent Georgian artist, Dina Oganova, in the old city of Mtskheta

Enamel Jewellery Social Enterprise “Ikorta” had an opportunity to open a jewellery fair during the International Women’s Day in Mtskheta


Monitor Daniela Bulgaru from Field Office Gori  talking with one of the residents of the Elderly Care Centre


Field Office Gori interpreter, Grigol Ghonghadze, and Gender Focal Point, Mikko Kurppa, delivering the presentation about the International Women’s Day.

Mrs. Mariam Doghonadze giving a speech within the framework of International Women’s Day

Charity bazaar – handicrafts of Merkuri beneficiares 

Field  Office  Zugdidi  Human Security  Team patrol on 8 of March – talking about women`s issues