EUMM - European Union Monitoring Mission in Georgia

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Press Communiqué of the Co-Chairs of Geneva Discussions

The participants of the Geneva International Discussions have just completed their twenty seventh round.

In Working Group I, the participants started their discussions with a review of the security situation on the ground. The Co-Chairs welcomed the relatively stable and calm situation that prevailed since the previous round in December 2013. However, they noted with concern the resumption of the installation of fences and other obstacles at different locations along the Administrative Boundary lines, as well as the alleged airspace violations. In this connection, the Co-Chairs called upon all participants to ensure that all these developments are addressed within the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRMs) with the aim to find proper solutions to arising problems.

The Co-Chairs welcomed the continued constructive engagement within the Ergneti IPRM and reiterated their call on respective participants to resume the suspended Gali IPRM. Participants reconvened an expert drafting session on the joint statement of the participants of the Geneva International Discussions on non-use of force, in which certain progress was registered. The participants have agreed to continue working on the draft statement at the next Geneva round.

In Working Group II, the participants reviewed the humanitarian situation on the ground. Participants have once again expressed concern about the humanitarian consequences of the developments along the Administrative Boundary Lines, which continue to impact the daily lives of the local population. They have exchanged views on pragmatic solutions for freedom of movement and opportunities for travel, on cultural heritage as well as on the supply of irrigation water. Furthermore, they addressed the issues of missing persons, detainees and displaced persons.

Yesterday, participants attended an information session on “Public Health Issues”.

The participants agreed to hold their next session on 17th-18th June 2014.