“The spirit of this meeting is to share information on a regular, informal basis” general Janvier said at the meeting. “We will talk about upcoming plans, ask questions, and discuss pressing issues. It is important to stress, that this is to be informal meetings between professionals, to avoid misunderstandings.”
The EUMM and the Georgian Police Authorities have already a very good working relationship, and the weekly meetings will enhance this cooperation. The meetings will make it easier for the EUMM to raise questions on different matters, and for the Georgian side to inform the EUMM about its plans and projects.

Apart from Mr. Tramakidze and Gen. Janvier, present at the meeting were also the EUMM liaison officer to the Ministry of the Interior, Mr. Rinas Bendzius from the EUMM headquarters, the commander of the EUMM field office Gori, Col. Stephan Burel, the reporting officer of the Gori Field Office, Capt. David Jedrus and Mr. Georgi Lomdize from the Gori Police Authority.